近几年来,美国交通部通过监管渠道加强了对美国航空旅客的消费者保护,最新的规则于 10 月 28 日生效。交通部规定,当国内航班延误三小时、国际航班延误六小时时,乘客可以要求取消机票并退款,无需支付任何罚金。此外,还要求在 20 天内以现金(支票或电汇)或原支付方式发放自动退款。
根据法条需要在收到用户退款需求后的 7 天内退款,如果是信用卡买的票,需要 20 天内退现金或者其他方式。
In subsection (b) of section 42305, the Act established requirements for the timing of the refunds required under subsection (a) . Air carriers and foreign air carriers must issue refunds not later than 7 business days after the earliest date of the refund request, as specified in subsection (f) , for tickets purchased with a credit card, and 20 days for tickets purchased with cash or another form of payment.
The Act also defined a “significantly changed or delayed flight” in subsection (d) of section 42305 as a flight to include, at a minimum, a flight where the passenger arrives at the passenger's destination airport 3 or more hours after the original scheduled arrival time for a domestic flight and 6 or more hours after the original scheduled arrival time for an international flight.