AMEX Bonvoy Brilliant
【官网 term】有网友挖出了官网的 term,这几个福利应该是石锤了。
最大的亮点就是直接送白金,房券从原来的 50k 上升到了 85k(这个存疑,term 还是 50k,但是爆料是 85k),赠送的 elite night 提升到了 25 个,之前的 Marriott 酒店报销被吃饭 $300 报销替代。根据官网 term,也增加了 $100 的 Ritz-Carlton、瑞吉入住后的 credit,需要住两晚起,官网预定,类似 FHR 吧。另外还新增消费 $60k 以后的多种奖励选择。
年费还未知,我感觉上涨 $100 是有可能的。
AMEX Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant 万豪信用卡
持卡送万豪白金会员;每年送 85k 房券,吃饭报销 $300
- 开卡奖励:185k Marriott 积分(六个月消费 $6,000)
- 消费返点:在 SPG/Marriott/Ritz-Carlton 酒店消费 6x,航空和餐馆 3x,其他 2x
- 返点兑换:可定 SPG/Marriott/Ritz-Carlton 旗下酒店,最高 3: 1.25 转成航空里程
- 年费:$650
- 立即申请>>
现在 APP 的卡面已经更新了
Property $100
- 官网预定
- 需要 The Ritz-Carlton or St. Regis,带有 $100 Property Credit, Luxury Credit Card Rate
- 赠送的 Property Credit,应该是挂在房账上就行。比如餐饮、spa、minibar、房间内点餐等等。房费、小费是不行的
详细 term
$100 Marriott Bonvoy Property CreditWhen you book through www.marriottbonvoy.com or by calling Marriott Bonvoy at 1-800-450-4442, for a two-night minimum stay at The Ritz-Carlton® or St. Regis® using the Member rate named "$100 Property Credit, Luxury Credit Card Rate", you will be eligible to receive a Property Credit of up to $100 USD per booking to be used on qualifying purchases on property. When booking online, you must be logged into the Marriott Bonvoy account linked to your Card account to be eligible to book this rate. When booking by phone, please reference the "$100 Property Credit, Luxury Credit Card Rate" Member rate. You must confirm you are booking the correct $100 Property Credit rate at time of booking. Card Member will receive a credit equal to $1 USD for each dollar of qualifying charges made at the property under the Card Member's booking, up to $100 USD. The Property Credit will be applied as a credit on your bill upon checkout (and not on your American Express billing statement) . Qualifying charges do NOT include property fees, taxes, gratuities, and the cost of the room. Additional exclusions based on specific hotel restrictions may also apply (including, without limitation, purchases within the hotel that are made with a third-party merchant) . Please see the applicable hotel front desk for details. You must use your eligible Marriott Bonvoy American Express Card to pay your bill upon checkout. Stays booked by the Basic Card Member on the eligible Card account are eligible for the $100 USD Property Credit benefit. Additional Card Members on your account are not eligible for this benefit. Each booking is only eligible to receive a property credit of up to $100, regardless of the number of rooms booked. The Property Credit cannot be carried over to another stay, is not redeemable for cash, and expires at checkout if not used on qualifying purchases on property during the stay. The Property Credit is non-exchangeable and non-refundable and is applied in USD or equivalent in local currency based on exchange rate at time of checkout. May not be combined with other offers or programs unless indicated. Back-to-back stays within a 24-hour period at the same property are considered one stay.
Marriott Bonvoy Platinum Elite StatusYou will receive complimentary Marriott Bonvoy Platinum Elite status with your Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant® American Express® Card. This complimentary Platinum Elite status benefit is only available to the Basic Card Member. If your Card is cancelled for any reason, your complimentary Platinum Elite status provided with the Card will be cancelled. For more information about Platinum Elite status and complete Terms and Conditions, visit marriottbonvoy.com/terms.
Choice Award
2023 年 1 月 23 日生效!
消费 $60k 之后可以在下面三个福利选择一个,房券一般要配合 paid stay 使用。看起来还是 85k 房券最划算了
- Five Suite Night Awards™
- Mattress and Box Spring $750 Discount from Marriott Retail Brands
- Free Night Award with a redemption value up to 85K points
AMEX Bonvoy Bevy 和 Chase Bonvoy Bountiful
变化不大,主要是改了个名,然后增加了入住一个 stay 获取 1000 额外积分。然后消费 $50k 可以获取 50k 的房券。按照这个架势,年费应该不会变。
原来 AMEX 中端卡 Marriott Bonvoy 是由 SPG 卡转来,已经无法申请。预计会转为这张卡。Chase 的 Marriott 卡现在叫 boundless,可能会变成这个 Bountiful
原来 chase 卡的福利如下
Chase Marriott Bonvoy Boundless 万豪信用卡
每年白送 1 张免房券,抽屉神卡
- 开卡奖励:3 张 50k 房券(开卡前三个月花 $3,000)
- 消费返点:Marriott 酒店消费 6x;加油、买菜、餐馆 3x;其他消费 2x
- 返点兑换:可定 Marriott/Ritz-Carlton 旗下酒店,最高 3: 1.25 转成航空里程
- 年费:$95
- 立即申请>>
Chase Ritz Carlton 卡
还是只送 Gold 会员,但是增加了 $100 栗子和瑞吉的 credit 福利(和 Brilliant 一样,上面有介绍过),房券涨到了 85k(原本 50k)。我感觉不如 Brilliant 那张卡送白金来的好。
要是房券还是 50k,那年费肯定不会涨。