今天(5 月 26 日),汇丰美国给所有美国客服发出了一封题为 "Important information about your HSBC relationship" 的电子邮件,主要内容为:

Last year, we at HSBC Bank USA, N.A. set out on a journey to be able to better cater to our clients’ needs globally and from a wealth management perspective. A lot of progress has been made that will enable us to serve you better, and you may have seen a recent announcement from us about the next phase of this journey.

What’s changing
So we can focus on meeting the needs of customers like you to the best of our ability, we’ve made the decision to streamline some areas of our retail bank. As a result of this, some of our branches, clients and employees will be transitioned to another financial institution in the coming months.

What this means for you
This doesn’t change our commitment to you. We’re working hard to be a better bank for you and HSBC will continue to be your trusted financial services partner. We’re going to continue investing in new products, digital channels and mobile capabilities and focus on delivering a seamless client experience.

同时,BusinessWire 也出了一篇文章介绍退出的详情。


  • 汇丰美国 148 个网点中,125-130 个会关掉,剩余的会转变成国际财富中心;
  • 现有 HSBC 个人、Advance 以及余额不满 $75,000 的 Premier 银行业务会被关闭(出售给其他银行);
  • 现有 HSBC 企业账户中收入不满 $5,000,000 的银行业务会被关闭(出售给其他银行);

其中,东部的业务(包含银行账户和贷款)会被出售给 Citizens Bank,而西部的业务会被出售给 Cathay Bank(国泰银行)。所有交易仍需获得监管部门的同意,而交易预计于 2022 年第一季度完成。出售的业务亦包含贷款业务。

我是 Premier 客户,怎么办?

根据新闻稿,笔者认为,HSBC 会在某一天把所有账户余额小于 $75,000 的账户转移到 Citizens Bank 或 Cathay Bank,因此,想要保留自己的 HSBC 美国帐号,不想被卖去这两家银行的话,可能需要在交割的日期维持 $75,000 的账户余额。由于现在信息不甚明确,我们会继续追踪并更新详情。HSBC 美国由于较低的 Premier 账户维持标准,吸引了很多人用来维持全球汇丰账户的 Premier 地位,未来这条路可能就行不通了。

如果你在其他国家的汇丰已经是 Premier 账户(比如说汇丰中国),暂时也不知道是否能通过它来维持汇丰美国余额小于 $75,000 的账户,这方面我们也只能拭目以待了。


HSBC 美国业务说要退出已经很久了,这次终于官宣了。对于很多人来说 HSBC 是一个很方便的环球转账用的银行,所以还是会对不少人造成麻烦。由于汇丰大概率也会退出美国的信用卡业务,如果想要博信用卡免单的话,可以考虑现在去申请一下 HSBC 的信用卡,因为之前 Chase 退出加拿大信用卡业务时大笔一挥全部不用还钱(笔者觉得汇丰比较小气,希望不是很大)。不过如果借了 HSBC 的房贷的话,免单是不太可能的,还是乖乖按时还钱吧。