万豪一直有个会员生日福利,在你生日的时候送你一个定级房晚(birthday Elite night credit),用于保级、冲积的定级房数。万豪联名卡每年可以送 15 房定级房数,加上生日这一晚,总共就有 16 晚了,离 Platinum 的 35 晚还差 19 晚。如果再酒店开个会获取 10 晚定级房数,你只需要每年自己再住 9 晚就可以保级。

万豪在与 SPG 合并之前,这个福利都是很稳定的。基本上不会漏发,但是自从与 SPG 合并后,这个定级房晚大面积漏发。笔者去年都能正常收到,今年 11 月底再次生日的时候就发现没有寄送。


  • 直接联系客服(电话、邮件或者推特类)
  • 注册 Marriott insiders 论坛,发起申请

前一个方法被证明效率低下,客服经常也不能第一时间帮你解决,还需要开 case 调查,唯一的好处是有可能先收到 1000 points 的 Good Will points,但后续大概率都补登不了。

Marriott insiders 实际上是万豪会员的一个论坛,通过这里发送补登申请就容易多了。

如果你的 SPG 账户还没有与万豪合并,且二者是同一个邮箱,你只能注册一次 insiders 账号,找到 CustomerSupport 发起申请

填写基本信息后,随便写个内容,写好 request birthday Elite night credit 即可


Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out to us here at Insiders. In order for us to look into this on your behalf we need you to reply to this message from your Insiders inbox (not email) and confirm:

1. That your birthday was listed in your account before it occurred
2. That you have had a stay in the last year
3. That you are subscribed to receive all correspondence from Marriott Bonvoy including the News & Program Information, and Offers from our Partners

If you can confirm the above please let us know by replying to this message from your Insiders inbox(not your email) and we will look into adding your birthday Elite night credit.
If your birthday was less than 10 days ago please wait a full 10 days to see if you receive an email with a link to collect your birthday Elite night credit before reaching back out to us to look into it on your behalf.

Please keep in mind this is not a free night stay and credit from previous years cannot be added this year

收到这个回复后,你从 Marriott Insiders 回复说明"确定符合上述三个条件,且没有收到 credit"即可。
