前段时间美国航空(AA)审核并关闭大量 Churn Citi AA 信用卡的账户,参考这里(写完这个快讯的时候,AA 把从未使用过里程的我也杀了。)。真是惨。
近期(大概 19 年 12 月开始),有不少 DP 显示英国航空(BA)开始审核账户,并且已经关闭了不少账户,被关账户里程会被没收。
目前被 BA 审核(关闭)账户主要有以下几个特点:
- 短期内账户里程快速增加(近期大量刷 BA 联名卡、转点)
- 近期利用里程给非本人兑换机票,尤其是给多人出过机票的
- 可以申诉,但被审核账户需要提供乘机人的相关信息,否则账户最终会被关闭
Our records indicate that tickets in the names of various third parties have been redeemed from your Executive Club account between xx/xx/xxxx and xx/xx/xxxx.This pattern of activity is high when compared to the average redemption rates on Executive Club membership accounts.
In order to bring the review of your account to a swift conclusion, we would be grateful if you would provide confirmation that redemption bookings made on your account have been made in accordance with the Executive Club Terms and Conditions.
如果你只是给家人朋友兑换机票,且次数不频繁,提供下相关材料,应该很容易恢复正常。如果你频繁帮别人出票,那么基本上是 GG 了。
如果你近期需要给他人出票,建议暂时避开使用 BA 里程兑换。