【更新 2】Away 这个活动刚出来的时候被老美买爆了(也可能是库存不足),并且下单不发货、不成功严重。在很长一段时间里面会吃掉你账户上的 Store credit(refer 获取的 $20 块)。一个月过去了现在已经归还了这个 credit,然而价格真的是太贵了。还是等下次 5 折或者 Amex Green 有赠送报销再考虑吧。

【更新】不知道是 Away 存货不足,还是老美的购买能力太强了,很多商品 Out of Stock(OOS)了。最便宜的登机箱以及儿童登机箱,使用 refer 注册,不到 100 刀,但是第二天 50%  off 的颜色就脱销了。Deal 持续至 15 日,希望能补货吧。

另外,由于订单量巨大,away 系统老出错。如果你下单失败了或者下成功了没收到订单号,可以 email [email protected],可以帮你退回所有的 credit 及消费,并且额外补偿 $50 credit 给你,YMMV.

Since we could not complete your order, we’ve issued a full refund to your card. You should receive the payment within 5-7 business days. In the meantime, we have resolved the issues with our site and you can place a new order if you wish to do so.

As a token of our appreciation for your support and patience, we’ve included a $50 off code below for you to use toward your next purchase.

Code sept-sale-xxxxx is ready for you to use. Please note this is for one time use and you have 1 year to use it before it expires.

【以下为 2020 年 9 月 9 日的 101 快讯】

Away 是本土美国人民非常喜欢的一个拉杆箱品牌,想来疫情期间买的人实在太少了,现在做起了活动,最高半价,算是史高了。这家拉杆箱实在太贵了。本次折扣是 Away 创立至今的第一次打折。。

进入我们眼帘是因为,去年 Amex Green 刚发布的时候,提供额外 $100-$150 Away 的报销。当然现在是没有报销了。

如果你确实喜欢,现在折扣力度是最大的,活动截止 2020 年 9 月 15 日。


可以配合邀请链接购买,叠加 $20 off(需要购买 Suitcase 或者 bags)。

Away 撸点

Away 本身广受老美喜爱,也不知道为啥。个人觉得行李箱自带充电宝的设计还是不错的(要选 Battery 款式,托运的不建议选择充电宝的)。

但,最大的撸点是提供 Lifetime Limited Warranty

Your Away luggage is covered by a lifetime limited warranty. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary by state, province, or country.

与信用卡提供的保险不冲突。比如多数 Amex 个人年费版的信用卡提供 Baggage Insurance Plan。托运(船海车)过程出现意外损坏或者丢失,还能一次撸两个服务。需要使用 Amex 信用卡订购往返的票。

If you purchase a round trip entirely with your eligible Card on or after January 1, 2020, and a covered reason cancels or interrupts your trip,

购买后,记得保留好订单确认的邮件,未来使用 Warranty 及保险都需要用到。


虽然没有 Amex Green 的额外 $100-$150 报销了,但是打了半价加上 refer 的 $20,尚在可接受范围。几乎所有款式都有 50% off,按颜色打折。