补充下这个 DP 的后续:在 returned payment 超过 30 天后,再次申请,这次秒过了。申请的是马上史高要截止的 Amex Green 信用卡,$2000/45K +$150 Away。这个奖励实在太香了。
这个 DP 来自笔者的朋友,因为有一笔 auto payment 由于存款不足被 Amex return,好在没有触发 FR。
但是他在 30 天内申请 Amex Hilton surpass(TPG 史高那个 offer)被秒拒了(他之前申卡从未被 Amex 秒拒过)。拒信如下:
We are writing to let you know we cannot approve your application at this time because our records indicate that a payment was returned in the past 30 days
You may qualify for a new card in the future and are welcome to submit an application at a later date
因为我们一般都担心 return payment 触发 Amex FR,这种 DP 也算比较小众了。有类似情况的读者注意下,可以考虑等 1-2 个月后再尝试申请。(New 超过 30 天即可恢复正常)