加航宣布,从 3 月 1 日到 6 月 30 日,如果你预定了加航的机票,可以享受一次免费的改签。同时,如果你因为任何原因取消了这张票,你可以选择退成无过期时间的加航兑换券,或者兑成加航的里程+65% 的奖励。

We have implemented highly flexible and expanded booking options. You can make a one-time change without a fee for all new or existing bookings made through June 30, 2020 for original travel between March 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021. If you booked directly with Air Canada and you need to cancel for any reason, you can convert your ticket to an Air Canada Travel Voucher that has no expiry date or to Aeroplan Miles with an additional 65% bonus miles.

据计算,退一张 $750 的机票,可以获取 57500 的加航里程,也就是 1.3c/p 的比例换成里程。通常加航是 0.03CAD 每点卖里程,加上 65% 奖励后,就是 0.018CAD 的成本,折算成美元就是每一点加航里程,需要 0.013 美元。
